Social media marketing should be a critical part of any real estate agent’s growth strategy in today’s tech-forward market. So understanding which social media networks yield results for Realtors is crucial. With so many choices, how do you decide where to invest your time, energy, and resources? 

To get you started on the right path, I’m breaking down the details of the most impactful social sites that you should include in your real estate marketing strategy. And as a bonus, you can download 20 free real estate memes to share on your social media accounts.

Download 20 Real Estate Memes

The 7 Best Real Estate Social Networks Ranked

So, you’re ready to leverage social media to improve your business. Each platform has unique advantages that include targeting different demographics, positioning yourself as a subject matter and market expert, building your network of prospects and leads, distributing edu-tainment to potential clients, and so much more! Let’s break each one down.

Social Media PlatformBest For
FacebookBest overall
InstagramBest for highly visual content
LinkedInBest for sharing expertise
YouTubeBest for creating educational content
PinterestBest for creating eye-catching downloads
TikTokBest for creating brand awareness
X (formerly Twitter)Best for creating dialogue

1. Facebook: The Social Network for All Real Estate Agents

Facebook and Meta logos

If you have to choose a single real estate social network to be active on, it should be Facebook. Facebook is, far and away, the most popular social network on the planet, especially among adults between 25 and 54 years old.

Facebook offers a perfect storm of real estate marketing opportunities. Using your personal account, you can connect easily with your friends, family, and broader sphere of influence. With a professional page, you can create compelling content for your followers. The powerful Facebook ad platform allows you to narrow down your audience with interest-based targeting to reach exactly the right group.

Many in the social media landscape have labeled Facebook the baby boomer social network, but for us hustling real estate pros, that’s music to our ears. Homebuyers and sellers aged 50-plus often have bigger budgets and more frequent real estate needs, making them ideal clients to help build your business. 

Facebook groups are an underutilized source of leads. For example, if you focus your real estate business on military folks who need to relocate, make sure to join local military groups—especially the spouses’ forums—for the bases in your area. Find and join groups that are reflective of your niche. Be the expert answering questions and offering helpful advice. It’s how you do demographic farming in the 21st century. 

Close Resources for Getting Started (or Leveling Up) on Facebook:

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How to Create Real Estate Facebook Ads That Actually Generate Leads
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How to Set Up a Real Estate Agent Facebook Page to Get More Leads

Need Help With Social Media Content? Try Coffee & Contracts

Did you know that most Realtors grossly underestimate the quantity of content they need to share to be effective on social networks, let alone the time and effort it will take to create it? That’s where Coffee & Contracts comes in. Coffee & Contracts is a real estate marketing company that offers thousands of social media templates designed specifically for real estate agents.

I’ve seen stunning before-and-afters from agents who’ve started using Coffee & Contracts, and the results are impressive. If you’re looking to save time and post social media images, captions, and videos that actually drive engagement, check them out. As a special thank you to Close readers, use promo code RealTacticsPro for $15 off your first month.

Visit Coffee & Contracts

2. Instagram: The Social Network for Design-minded Real Estate Pros

Instagram logo

Instagram (IG) is a close second to Facebook in terms of social networks where I’d recommend real estate pros invest time, but IG might actually be number one for some Realtors. Why? Instagram is all about the visuals and aesthetic. It’s a platform that lends itself well to the real estate industry, especially for luxury and high-end properties.

However, Instagram isn’t all about static photos of backsplashes and backyard gardens. Many Realtors use the platform to post videos, share Stories (short, temporary photos, or vertical videos designed to highlight something happening in the moment), and even long-form video content on IGTV. 

Instagram audiences tend to skew younger and hipper, and are more into aspirational content. This is a very popular platform on which to be active if you’ve got designs to become a social media influencer. It’s also a good one to consider if you have a niche that photographs well, like historical homes or beachfront property.

Close Resources for Getting Started (or Leveling Up) on Instagram:

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Instagram Stories for Agents: 12 Easy Ways to Drive Engagement
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9 Easy Instagram Hacks to Get More Likes, Comments & Followers

3. LinkedIn: A Social Network That’s All Business

LinkedIn logo

In a surprise to many, LinkedIn ranks at number three on our list of real estate social networks. Why does LinkedIn rank above some of the trendier video networks on our list? One word: intent

Users on LinkedIn are there to connect with other professionals, grow their network with connections who will serve them and their careers, and generate opportunities. These are the sort of action-oriented people you want as real estate clients. But brokers shouldn’t discount the recruiting opportunities LinkedIn provides as well. 

Also, active members of LinkedIn tend to be higher earners in more senior positions professionally, and better connected to other high-earners than non-LinkedIn users, making this platform an ideal place to pick up clients and referrals. 

Close Resource for Getting Started (or Leveling Up) on LinkedIn:

Related Article
11 Ways Smart Real Estate Agents Are Using LinkedIn to Get Better Leads

4. YouTube: Where Real Estate Agents Become Experts

YouTube logo

Before you rush to the comments to tell us that YouTube isn’t a social network, here’s something to consider: People who subscribe to YouTube channels regularly interact with content creators through comments and off-platform interactions. 

YouTube offers a Community tab where creators can interact directly with their audience through written posts, polls, and more. YouTube’s Live and Premier features allow users to interact in real time with viewers. This is indeed a social network, but it’s so much more than that. 

YouTube is a launching pad for distributing video content on just about every other social media platform. It’s a place to build authority, demonstrate your expertise, and show you’re active in the community.

Close Resources for Getting Started (or Leveling Up) on YouTube:

Related Article
25 Best Real Estate YouTube Channels (Coaching, Humor & More)
Related Article
15 Real Estate Videos Top Agents Use to Generate & Nurture Leads

5. Pinterest: Where Real Estate Agents Share Their Expertise

Pinterest logo

Pinterest isn’t like most social networks. Rather than connecting over pictures from the latest family vacation or a news story you and your community are passionate about, Pinterest users connect over their shared interest in projects.

Visitors come to Pinterest for inspiration, to learn from experts, and to find new ways to express themselves—all activities that hit homeownership’s sweet spot. 

For any Realtor who wants to paint themselves as an expert on decor, curb appeal, house projects, or the visual aspects of owning or selling a home, Pinterest is absolutely the place to do that. And it doesn’t stop there. Some of Real Tactics Pro’s most successful “pins” on Pinterest are actually just lists (like “7 Tips to Get More Page Views For Your Real Estate Blog”).

Maybe best of all, the lifespan of a pin on Pinterest is dramatically longer than a post on just about any other social network. On Facebook, a post will remain relevant to readers for maybe a day, Instagram a few hours, Twitter for only a few minutes. On Pinterest? Posts stay active and relevant for months, making the time and effort you put in last a lot longer. 

Close Resource for Getting Started (or Leveling Up) on Pinterest:

Related Article
12 Pinterest Real Estate Marketing Ideas to Boost Your Brand

6. TikTok: Where Real Estate Agents’ Personalities Shine

TikTok logo

You didn’t think we were going to get through a list of real estate social networks without including TikTok, did you? Or are you surprised they’re ranked as low as number six? The fact is, TikTok is in an interesting place right now when it comes to real estate. Many of its users aren’t quite in the homebuying stage of their life yet, but they will be soon

Plenty of young, hip Realtors are connecting with potential clients and building relationships early, adding new buyers and sellers to their lead funnels earlier than ever. But they’re not the only age group to discover and engage on TikTok. Older generations are catching up with Gen Z on the platform, making now a great time to tap into this growing network before everyone else. 

What sort of real estate content does well on TikTok? Home tours—especially of aspirational, stunning properties—day-in-the-life micro-vlogs about what it’s like to live and work as an agent, Realtor life humor, and home renovation content. 

The best part about TikTok for most Realtors? You don’t need a production studio to be successful. In fact, high production value is actually not valued here. The best TikTok content feels authentic and raw, shot straight from your phone with little or no editing outside of the app itself. 

Resource to Help You Get Started (or Level Up) on TikTok:

Related Article
Real Estate TikTok: 3 Top Agents on How to Get Millions of Likes (+ Leads)

7. X (Formerly Twitter): Where Real Estate Agents Establish Their Expertise

X logo with a faded Twitter logo in the background

Above I listed stats about Twitter, but I don’t feel they’re going to be relevant for long. Recent changes to the platform since its acquisition by Elon Musk have put most of its users on their heels. Right now, everyone is watching to see where this platform is headed. If you’ve been reading the news, you’ve no doubt seen that Musk is taking X to a different level of existence. He plans to make this platform an all-in-one, indispensable WeChat-style platform—an everything app.

This might be the perfect time to get in on the ground floor of that kind of platform. Imagine being the agent in front of your potential customers every day as they go about their routines—ordering their groceries, paying for their lunch, checking their social media, and shopping online. Musk plans to create an app with “comprehensive communications and the ability to conduct your entire financial world.”

If you want to become an early adopter of all things X, join the current events conversations underway about topics relevant to your business, your market, and your community. Speaking up and adding your voice to a conversation could easily spark direct message conversations with other users, which is a great way to pick up new business. 

One of the coolest things to change about X so far is the new ability to add video to your posts. Take advantage of that feature to share what you know about your business, the market, and all things real estate. 

Resources to Help You Get Started (or Level Up) on Twitter:

Related Article
18 Funniest Tweets (+ Top Real Estate Twitter Accounts to Follow)
Related Article
107+ Top Real Estate Hashtags: Instagram, Twitter & More

  Pro Tip

If you want carefully crafted social media ads alongside the tools you’ll need to nurture leads, you might want to consider Top Producer Social Connect. Its team of social media experts have tested, honed, and revised targeted ad campaigns on Facebook and Instagram and can set up your next campaign in a matter of hours.

Visit Top Producer Social Connect

How to Choose the Best Social Media Network for Your Business

With so many platforms out there in the wild, it’s difficult to figure out where to spend most of your time. But have no fear, I’ve got you covered. 

When you look at each of the different platforms, look at who their audience is. Facebook’s audience is mostly people from ages 25 to 44. Millennials dominate LinkedIn’s audience at 60%, with the 18- to 24-year-old demographic coming in at just under 22%. 

But it’s not only age that matters—you have to look at the intent of each audience. Facebook users are scrolling for entertainment. Instagram users are looking for photos and videos. But LinkedIn visitors have a professional intent when they arrive on the platform. It’s important to weigh your potential audience’s reason for visiting when deciding which platform you want to focus on.

Social media is meant to be social. Never forget that. You may be on the platforms for business, but make sure to mix in some personality and authenticity in your marketing efforts. That’s why it’s important to determine which platforms fit your personality best and stick with those networks for your marketing. It’s much easier to let your personality shine through when you’re not trying to be someone you’re not.

When you’re trying to decide which social networks to focus on, answer these questions:

  • What’s the age demographic of the target market for the site?
  • Can I target my audience on this platform?
  • Will my content resonate with this audience?
  • Can I generate quality leads from the platform?
  • Can I maintain a consistent strategy on the site?

Be careful not to focus too much on building an audience without generating actual leads. Followers are great, but they don’t pay the bills. Generate content that resonates with your target market and not on getting the “likes.”

Be Selective

You cannot, and should not, try to use all of the social media networks on this list. Trying to be everywhere is only going to make you lose your mind, and you won’t be able to keep up long enough to build a following and any of the platforms.

Find two to three sites that align with your mission and stick to only those few. Focus your energy on really learning and using those sites, and forget the rest. Your time and effort will be most richly rewarded when you “niche down” instead of trying to be everything to everyone.

Bringing It All Together

Is social media a part of your real estate marketing and branding strategy? What networks have you had the most success with? What pitfalls did you discover on your way to social media greatness? Tell us in the comment section below.