Instagram (IG) reigns supreme with real estate agents for marketing. Sure, some Realtors are crushing it with amazing videos and carousel posts and driving more business from IG than ever. But it all starts with a Realtor Instagram bio that grabs attention.

Want to snatch some of that action? I’ve scoured the Insta-verse to find fantastic real estate Instagram bios that are helping agents capitalize on their unique posts, build networks of followers for their sphere, and grow their businesses. Also, I’ve pointed out what makes them so powerful and how you can follow their lead.

As an added bonus, I created an Instagram bio template with tips to inspire your greatness and streamline your IG bio creation process.

Download Your Instagram Bio Template

How to Create an Instagram Bio That Converts 

Use these tips and IG bio examples as inspo to create your own Instagram bio that will help you connect with your audience, show off your personality, boost your branding, and capture more leads. 

Include a Description That Stands Out

In your Instagram bio, you can play around with your username and your name to describe yourself and your business. Use them together to tell your audience who you are and who you serve. 

1. Michele Tanner

Screenshot of Michele Tanner's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Michele Tanner used her username to describe her territory—Stunning Sarasota Homes. Her username communicates two vital messages—you know that she’s in real estate and she is located in Sarasota, Florida. 

She then uses her actual name in the name section. She also has Real Estate Agent listed as her category under her name. That paints a full picture of who Michele is, where she works, and who her clients are. Pair that with her beautiful smile, and you’ve got the perfect package. Nicely done, Michele.

2. Melanie Atkinson

Screenshot of Melanie Atkinson's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Melanie Atkinson took a similar approach. Her username explicitly tells you she’s in Tampa Bay, Florida. Her bio explains precisely who she is and what you’ll get when you work with her, whether you’re a buyer or a seller. She also included a great headshot along with a few well-placed emojis, hashtags, and a call to action! Great job, Melanie.

  Pro Tip

Instagram has implemented a verification process that results in a blue check by your username that shows that you are who you say you are. It also makes it less likely hackers will be able to replicate your account. As with other social media sites that have implemented it, this is a monthly subscription service, which in this case costs between $12 and $20 per month. But the blue check offers instant credibility if you choose to pursue it.

Sprinkle in Some Social Proof

Social proof refers to the idea that we are all influenced to make purchases based on the experiences of other people we can trust. Consider the last time you bought something on Amazon. Did you check out the verified reviews before adding it to your cart? In a world inundated with more choices than ever, social proof acts as a beacon, helping us navigate endless options. 

3. Lana Rodriguez

Screenshot of Lana Rodriguez's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

With only 150 characters to work with, it’s a challenge to include social proof in your bio. Lana Rodriguez expertly included “300+ families served” in hers. Way to make those characters count, Lana! 

4. Ed Stulak

Screenshot of Ed Stulak's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

When it comes to agents who are killing it on social right now, you don’t have to look further than Ed Stulak. He does a lot on TikTok, but he’s also crushing on IG. He wins at social proof this round with a link to an article where he’s featured explaining how he listed 180 homes through IG.   Ed has since changed his IG bio, but I stand by my assessment of this iteration (plus, if you check out his post feed, it’s pretty clear he still values social proof)!

  Pro Tip

A fabulous bio will only get you so far in the digital marketing space. Put your social media efforts to work for you. Attract clients with consistent IG content from Coffee & Contracts that helps you stand out.

Get Done-for-You Content From Coffee & Contracts

Use a Great Headshot (With Personality)

A great profile pic will help your audience get to know your face and build that know, like, and trust factor. You should include a high-definition pic of your face, preferably with a big, welcoming smile.

5. Amanda Martin

Screenshot of Amanda Martin's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Amanda Martin has such a beautiful smile, it’s hard not to be drawn to her. Who doesn’t love a person who smiles with their whole face? I also love how Amanda added her niches in her bio. Beautiful job, Amanda.

6. Lizzie Cisneros

Screenshot of Lizzie Cisneros's Instagram page with bio.

I love this pic of Lizzie Cisneros. She looks personable and approachable. But the smile is what really takes center stage. Love it, Lizzie.

7. Calvin Strain

Screenshot of Calvin Strain's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

And check out Calvin Strain! First, that blue in his profile pic is so stunning it makes his headshot really pop. But I also love the Beard Life highlight cover. Don’t ever shave it off, Calvin! It’s working way too well.

Speaking of highlight covers, Calvin’s are quite handsome too! Nice job.

Get Creative With Highlight Covers

You use highlight covers to organize and save your IG stories, which disappear after 24 hours if they’re not saved under a highlight cover on your grid. And when you can master these covers, you’re really on top of your IG game. They’re technically not part of the bio, but when you use them as part of your overall strategy, they create a beautiful visual element that will help your business stand apart from the competition. 

8. Magnolia Homestead Realty

Screenshot of Ocala Real Estate's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers featuring their agents.

I personally love how Magnolia Homestead Realty in Ocala, Florida, gives each of its agents their own highlight cover showing their gorgeous faces. What an innovative way to work the IG grid!

  Pro Tip

The Category section directly under your name doesn’t show up unless you have a business or professional account. If you switch your IG account from a personal to a business or professional account, you’ll have a little more flexibility and usability with your bio. If you want to use Instagram to promote your business, I highly recommend you make this switch.

Attract Your People

You have a limited number of characters in your bio, so adding something interesting about yourself, aside from your real estate business, can be a demanding lift. But the more you can share about you as a person, the greater your chances your audience will find a way to connect to you.

9. Jordan Dennis

Screenshot of Jordan Dennis's Instagram page with bio.

Jordan Dennis speaks to a specific demographic in his description. He’s a veteran and a metalhead. That’s the kind of connection that resonates with his tribe instantly. Way to keep it real, Dennis.

10. Weslyn Bezila

Screenshot of Weslyn Bezila's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Weslyn Bezila looks as sweet as iced tea in her profile pic. When you read her description, you get an even clearer picture—Atlanta real estate agent and mom who loves a good T-shirt, tacos, and tequila. Weslyn is speaking directly to her people.

11. Ty Brown

Screenshot of Ty Brown's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Another great way to make sure people find you through other interests besides real estate is to use hashtags. Ty Brown is an Air Force veteran. He uses the hashtag #USAF to attract his people.

  Pro Tip

Want to save time and hire someone to create a gorgeous Instagram bio while you focus on what you do best? You can easily hire a fantastic, talented freelancer at Fiverr, and you won’t even have to learn Canva.

Hire a Fiverr Creator to Design Your IG Bio

Make Connecting Online Easy

You can include a link in your bio to help people find you in other places across the interwebs. Send them to your website or, even better, a landing page. Savvy agents use links to drive traffic, share downloadable resources with their followers, and capture hot leads.

  Pro Tip

You can use a link in bio, which is a clickable link that you can connect to any other site or set of sites, to drive your audience where you want. Sites like linkt.ree,, and will allow you to set up your own link in bio.

12. Tim Smith

Screenshot of Tim Smith's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Tim Smith uses his to share listings, reviews, and property videos. He also includes a link to sign up for a newsletter and a separate link to his website. Way to go, Tim!

Originally, the link in bio was crucial because you could only have one link in your bio. Now, you can add up to five website links directly in your bio, so take advantage of that. Add a landing page, your website, or a free download link. For example, I share my latest articles in my link in bio, while adding separate links to my website and more.

Always Include a Call to Action (CTA)

13. Michele Bellisari

Screenshot of Michele Bellisari's Instagram page with her bio with an insert of the link popup with multiple links.

Michele Bellisari, aka themichelebee, is one of my favorite agents on Instagram. Her content is fresh and fun, and you almost feel like you’re in Boca Raton, Florida, right alongside her. But, above all else, Michele uses excellent calls to action (CTAs). In this image, Michele includes a link for a free guide to 50 real estate niches, a link to learn how to partner with her, and a link for her Probate Real Estate Boot Camp, just to name a few. 

No matter what kind of content you’re creating, you should always include directions for your audience. What kind of action do you want them to take? Use CTAs to drive traffic to a landing page, a free download, or your website, where you can ask for contact information. Michele is a pro!

Make Your Bio Pop With Highlight Covers, Emojis & Fonts

Highlight covers are the little circles you see on top of the grid, right before your posts. They’re fun, colorful, and help your content stand out. Use them to organize your stories and make it easy for your people to find the posts they want to check out.

If you don’t categorize a story under one of your highlight covers, it will disappear within 24 hours. So, using highlight covers keeps your content organized and accessible if your audience wants to go back and binge your content. 

14. Karin Carr

Screenshot of Karin Carr's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

It’s easy to add personality to your bio with emojis and eye-catching fonts. You can also add some dazzling visuals with your highlight covers. 

I love Karin Carr’s highlight covers! They’re extra fancy and I’m here for it!

And check out Karin’s CTA while you’re here. Because she’s a coach, her audience is agents, rather than real estate clients, so the tone is slightly different. Karin, you’re a master.

15. Chelsea Peitz

Screenshot of Chelsea Peitz's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Chelsea Peitz has to have one of the best Instagram accounts out there. Check out her imaginative and fun highlight covers. But that’s just the starting point. Her profile pic is absolutely charming. Her description is everything. And, of course, she has the perfect CTA. 

Chelsea actually teaches agents how to be successful on Instagram, so she’s a pro. She’s even written a book on it. If you want to see how IG is done, Chelsea’s your girl. If you’re not following her on IG, you need to go do that right now.

16. Joe Frazzano

Screenshot of Joe Frazzano's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

Joe Frazzano has taken his highlight covers to the next level. They spell out “SOLD #1!” How cool does this look when you land on his bio? 

17. Sue Pinky Benson

Screenshot of Sue Pinky Benson's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

I absolutely love emojis! There are several Instagram bios on this list featuring agents who are using emojis the right way. 

But no one uses them quite the way Sue Pinky Benson does. She masters pink as a trademark, and it’s fire. She features pink in her profile pic, and all of her emojis are pink! That’s dedication to your brand. You’re the brightest in the bunch, Pinky!

18. Alejandra Castillo

Screenshot of Alejandra Castillo's Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

If you want to add some fancy fonts to your bio, you can easily do that with a font generator. Simply type your text in the generator, choose the font you like, and copy and paste it directly into your bio.

It really gives another visual element to your bio. Check out how delicious Alejandra Castillo’s bio looks with her fancy fonts.

Be Authentically You

19. Michele Bellisari

Screenshot of Michele Bellisari's SoooBoca Instagram page with bio and highlight covers.

The Michele Bee is back with a quick lesson in sharing your whole self on your IG bio. Michele has 48 highlight covers (yes, 48!) dividing up content ranging from Amazon shopping finds to local foods to charities to her Disney cruise and so much more. Oh, and of course, there’s real estate. Michele is the perfect example of the more you share, the better your people will get to know, like, and trust you. 

Your Take

Now that you’ve seen these awesome real estate Instagram bios from agents who are crushing it, I hope you’re inspired to create your own gorgeous IG bio that attracts your ideal clients and helps you build a business that you love.  

Have you seen some amazing Instagram bios that I missed? Share any cool bios you find in the comment section. I can’t wait to see them!

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