8 Red-hot Real Estate Niches That Can Double Your GCI in 2024
Learn how to take advantage of today’s historic market shifts. When looking for a niche to optimize your marketing strategies and recession-proof your real estate business, it’s important to keep in mind those who are most likely to need your services.
Emile L'Eplattenier9 Real Estate Designations That Will Actually Make You Money
These 8 real estate designations will position you as a subject matter expert, help you develop your professional network, and are the mostly likely ones to boost your income.
Create an Inspiring Mission, Vision & Values Statement for Your Real Estate Business
Are you planning to start your own team or brokerage, or maybe fine-tune your own business as a single agent? There’s a crucial first step that many overlook: establishing your mission statement.
The SRES Designation: Is It Worth It for Residential Agents?
After 28 years in real estate, I still love niche marketing. And the SRES designation claims to prepare you for the niche of one of the fastest growing demographics in the U.S.: senior citizens. The question is, is it worth it?