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8 Red-hot Real Estate Niches That Can Double Your GCI in 2024

Learn how to take advantage of today’s historic market shifts. When looking for a niche to optimize your marketing strategies and recession-proof your real estate business, it’s important to keep in mind those who are most likely to need your services.

Emile L'Eplattenier
Emile L'Eplattenier

9 Real Estate Designations That Will Actually Make You Money

These 8 real estate designations will position you as a subject matter expert, help you develop your professional network, and are the mostly likely ones to boost your income.


Create an Inspiring Mission, Vision & Values Statement for Your Real Estate Business

Are you planning to start your own team or brokerage, or maybe fine-tune your own business as a single agent? There’s a crucial first step that many overlook: establishing your mission statement.


The SRES Designation: Is It Worth It for Residential Agents?

After 28 years in real estate, I still love niche marketing. And the SRES designation claims to prepare you for the niche of one of the fastest growing demographics in the U.S.: senior citizens. The question is, is it worth it?