By: Chris Linsell
In reply to <a href="">Kenya</a>.
Hi Kenya -
Thanks for the question. I don't have any specific experience with Real Estate U, but I did write an article about <a href="">New York-specific schools</a>, check it out. As far as a book I'd recommend, that will depend on your course. Most courses will include at least an e-book to follow along with.
Good Luck!
By: Kenya
In reply to <a href="">Chris Linsell</a>.
Hi: I am going for my license in the state of New York and wanted to know what your thoughts were on the company named Real estate u. Also, what book do you recommend to follow along with the class that you chose to take for the state of New York?
By: Chris Linsell
In reply to <a href="">Paige Griffin</a>.
Hi Paige -
Yeah, I would say Kaplan is your best bet based on what you're looking for. However, that aggressive timeframe is going to be tough, as I think Kaplan does limit your consumption. On the other hand, a lot of the self-directed PDF style courses allow you to move at your own pace, even if that pace is super-fast. It might be a case of either / or, so decide which is more important to you (the style or the speed) and go for it!
Good Luck!
By: Paige Griffin
I am looking for a course that is not just a"read a PDF" course. I need something broken down and with audio or video options, but not scheduled classes. Right now, the OnDemand Kaplan looks like it is my best option but an wondering if you know of a different one. Also, I am highly motivated and would like to complete each course in the 18-day window and take my tests as soon as I can. I am not sure if the Kaplan program allows for such an aggressive completion time. Thoughts?
By: Chris Linsell
In reply to <a href="">Jorge Sacio</a>.
Hi Jorge -
As far as I understand, there is no license for the District of Columbia - Realtors get licensed in Virginia and Maryland if they want to be DC area practitioners. I am pretty sure Real Estate Express offers a Virginia program, but if you're looking for both states, try <a href="" rel="nofollow ugc">The CE Shop</a>, they offer both.
By: Jorge Sacio
Hello Chris,
I live in DC and planned on getting my license here but I see that Real Estate Express does not have courses ready for this state. Which school then would you recommend?
By: Chris Linsell
In reply to <a href="">Susan</a>.
Hi Susan -
Between those two options, I think Real Estate Express is the better bet for a learner of your style. But, if you are looking for that sort of interactivity, Kaplan is a great choice too!
By: Susan
Hello, I am starting an online course and I am torn between Real Estate Express and the The CE Shop. I live in Pa. Looking at both, besides the price, which school would you recommend for learning content. A lot of reviews say that Real Estate Express is more self reading with no videos or no media learning. Does The CE Shop have any video or media learning?
I am more of a visual learner. If you could recommend a school that would be great!
Thank you
By: Chris Linsell
In reply to <a href="">Jacqueline D Walker</a>.
Hi Jacqueline -
Thanks for the comment. If you click on a pre-license education provider, it will take you to their website where you can select your state and get your specific prices. For someone in Tennessee, Real Estate Express is a good choice. They have a discount happening right now, you can get your pre-license education hours starting at just about 200 bucks, pretty good deal!
By: Jacqueline D Walker
I would like to start an online course and I don't see any prices for Tennessee schools online ...this is all new to me and I'm trying not to get overwhelmed trying to find an affordable course just need a little push in the right direction in picking an online course